Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, January 12, 2014


i am finding freedom in my word of the year.  create.  it makes me so responsible for what i choose.  and yet, it frees me.  i don't have to fake it...i can work to create a real, bona fide, beautiful life.  i can see the good.  i can have fun.
i have been doing pinterest like a fiend.  i have found a way to put flooring into my laundry room..and even wallboard.  i am pretty proud to find it.  and i will make time to begin.
i have found a day to take off and take my kids to the zoo.  gotta create those memories.
i have found a way to create an open line of communication with my hurting son.  and it hasn't been easy.  but he is a good kid...doing better being away from home.  but we talked while he was home and we will hopefully be in better touch this semester.
i have created a way to celebrate and worship though i'm not ready to find a new church home yet.  strangely, i had decided that i would go with my son's friend's parents so that maybe he would go with me when he come home...but...seeing as how his dad has taken to spending time with them, i think that i'd better get about creating a new plan.
i have created a safe environment for me to try.  to fail.  to learn what i want.  to picture things differently.  explaining why i'm now looking for chandeliers. :)
it's so inclusive.
create health.  i gotta exercise.  must.  but i don't.  it's one of those things "he" pushed me to do.  so....i think i'm more resistant than i ought to be.  i like not being bullied but i also know that i need to get more strict with myself.  it's coming.
now....creating health by getting some sleep.  it's 1030 and i get up quite early.

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