Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


usually i'm pretty positive.  i can find good most times.  but, i thought that i would share my dislikes.  i have a few.

i dislike to the nth degree mean people.  selfish, unkind, mean spirited, cruel, fake...mean.  people that you can't figure out where you stand.  that make you off balance. number one.  nothing else even comes close.  people who use, abuse or manipulate kids...top the list.  or my friends.  ditto.  top of the list.  want to kick their heinies.

wind. now, there's an exception...wind at the beach is acceptable.  other than that, wind is not on my good list.  maybe it reminds me of chaos??  it's uncomfortable and it gets everyone wound up and antsy.

cold.  i despise being really cold.  i like to be comfortable.  i don't like that hunkering down feeling.  curling up.  trying to get warm.  too many memories of bad times.

busyness.  i don't like constant running.  nor having to hurry in teaching my students.  i don't like a schedule that feels like it rules me.  probably also says why i like the back roads.

litter box cleaning.  having a litter box.  totally grosses me out.  i used to do it.  but, really it's yucky.

a teacher came in the other day and said "i'm done with so and so."  it was a student.  it made me done with the teacher.  teachers aren't "done" with students.  if they really are, they need to quit blaming the student, go to their boss and say "i can't do this" and get the kid the help they need.  frustration i get, but quitting on a kid is pretty mean.  expecting them to be as mature as you? um, they are the kid.

drivers who tailgate.  back off.  you don't get there that much faster anyway.

the fact that walmart has about 2 of 30 lanes open on any given day.  and nobody who will help me find what i need.  guess i know where those low prices come from.  that aren't always low.

dog sleeping on my pillows.  stinky.  not my favorite.  but i like the dog.....

when people put dishes on the counter and in the sink instead of in the already emptied dishwasher.....

well, there are my dislikes.  don't hate these things.  just would give them a dislike if there were a button.
i was looking at my dislikes to see how many things i'm ok with.  good with.  i was looking at the flip side.  and i figure it will help me be even more thankful.

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