Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, January 18, 2014


i have a sense of purpose.  of where i am going.  of where i am...and why.   i have a clue.  that's a nice thing.
today i woke up. i could have done as i have been known to do this last couple of years...turn on a show.  turn over and go back to sleep.  instead, i brought my dreams into my reality.  i want to learn to venetian plaster.  for real.  like a boss.  none of the crap looking stuff.  and i want to do floors.  uniquely and fun.  i want to get rid of stuff around my house.  i want to lose weight.  i don't want to go to a gym.
but you see, if i do the things that are my dreams then i can also achieve some of my other dreams.  getting up and getting moving will help me trim down.  getting rid of stuff will help me be ready when i want to travel. having my home look a way that pleases my sense will bring me peace...but so will the doing.
so, i'm up.  i'm wishing that i hadn't noticed last night that most of my calls on my phone were....to my kid's school for being sick.  that i hadn't noticed that the other calls and texts were if someone wanted something.  a smatteringdraws away my energy.  of one or two over months where someone was reaching out.  they are nice.  they aren't my norm.  i wish i hadn't noticed because it crushes me just a little bit.

oh well.  i can only move onward.  i have a life that i want to live.  a life that creates and gives and loves.  a life.  a real life.  and it is only given a day at a time.  i want to live it with laughter.  and work.  i want my work to be my play.  i want to do beautiful things.  i think that i can create some pretty amazing things.  i'm sure of it.  it will take time and effort and practice.  but there's something in me.  others don't really see it.  i don't either!  but i feel it.  sense it.  like when you know a storm is coming without seeing the clouds.  you just...know.  or when you wake up in the night and know that it has snowed without seeing it...the subtle change of light and sound.  it's just........there...though you can't put your finger on what it is or what has changed.  i want to have a home that speaks to my soul.  i want to learn to not be afraid of trying things.  i don't want unfinished projects. drives me crazy.
1. walls.
2. floors
3. cabinets
4. window coverings
5. new doors.
6.with new locks. :)
7. beauty.  as it strikes.  with color.  and texture.  i love texture.
8.  get rid.  don't need. don't want.  trash.  stuff.  clutter.  accumulation. be done.  let it go.  30 a day.
9. writing.  every single day. no days off.  no holidays.  every day. no matter what needs to come out.  like pooping...it's healthy. :)
10. cooking.  remember that i love to do it.  and eating.  no shortcuts.   the real deal.
11. coffee and tea.  invite. be invited....these will have to come eventually because as of now it's not too often, but still......in process.
12. speak.  kindly. gently. truthfully. encouragingly.  be real.
13. travel. but don't run away
14.  have faith that i was created for these things.  they are a list that "rolls off" of my tongue without effort.
15. go to the bank....seriously, i have to go, it's saturday on a three day weekend!
enjoy your day.

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