Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, January 30, 2014


weather is beautiful.  snow softly coming down. or heavily blanketing the trees and yard.  rain whooshing and plinking and pattering.  sunshine consuming and soaking into the very soul.  i realize that i like it all.
frankly, i'm not that fond of being out in snow.  in the frigid weather.  but i love seeing it.  and tonight, whether it snows much and gives a slow down to life or snows little and simply gives us a bit of beauty, i realize that it makes me happy to see the snow.  it makes the world so quiet.  and so bright.  each snowflake is so lovely.  and together, they are more brilliant than diamonds.
i looked outside and my heart filled.  with love for the One that gives all good gifts.
life has been incredibly difficult as of late.  and yet...somehow more beautiful than ever.  i have had a shift of focus.  a choosing of what to see.  what to value.
i have moments where i have that sense of being totally invisible in the world.  unneeded.  unappreciated.  and yet, there's so much to value in this world.  so much to be amazed by.  and i guess that though i may be passed over.  though i may be mostly ignored.  all of that kind of fades when i look at the amazing beauty that is offered to me each and every day.  wow.  fabulous.
yes, i enjoy it mostly in a solitary fashion.  that's ok.  i'm me.  i actually do see it.  i actually do take pleasure from it.
and...it helps to heal me.
because i am horribly wounded.  and though i've healed much, i still have the pains.  the scars.  the places that need salve.  and i don't always get much tlc.  so....the beauty is good medicine.  a reminder.  of good.  of love.  of hope.  of being cared for.
somehow, i'm going to get through this time in life.  and i'm actually going to be me while doing it.  and that means that some people are going to...run away.  and i have to let that happen. can't control it.  and it's foolish to try to behave in a manner that makes them want to stay.
can't control the weather, but can enjoy the beauty.  can't control life, but can enjoy the beauty.

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