Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

fast lane

life in the fast lane.  turns out, i don't like the fast lane.  i like the places that are slowed down.  a leisurely lunch.  a stroll.  i like working.  and i like resting.  i'm weary of the constant idea that life is about your career.  i'm not about my career.  i am about something else.
looking at clouds.
and sunrises.
and sunsets.
about a glass of wine.
and pretty waves crashing before me...and my book...or journal.
i'm about
having time to rest.
and time to really get to it.
time to figure things out.
to think.
to pray.
to write.
i know.
i'm a dreamer.
everyone who is anyone
lives in the fast lane.
more work.
run home.
run around.
try to catch up.
get up early.
feel bad about going to bed...early.
because if you don't...
you're wiped out for WORK.
work seems to be king in our culture.
right now, i need the job
i even like having a job that is meaningful
but a part of me
longs for a different system
different values
the fast lane just makes me tired.
and cranky.
the fast lane is about competing.
i like the back roads.
i like the roadside picnics.
i like creeks to dip my feet in while sitting on a big rock.
a blanket.
sun shining.
or a rainy day inside with the fire going.
a big chair.
a cozy afghan.
the fast lane puts me in a panic.
i feel pushed constantly.
and like i'm never doing enough.
but i've decided that while i may not be able to take the back roads right now.
i can choose.
i can at least be in the slow lane.
i can do what needs to be done and do it well
but i don't have to compete and push.
i can make choices to improve my quality of life.
i plan to do that.

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