Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

rip and wrinkle

today was a pretty laid back day.  my big accomplishment was finishing 95% of my taxes and ripping and wrinkling brown paper.  gotta do my floor you know.  it's going to take..hundreds of chunks.  it's a big room.  and i have to rip not straight. harder than it sounds.  then, ball it up, open it and ball it up the other direction until it's soft like fabric.  tomorrow i'm going to put the stain on some of the pieces and see how that looks.  i still have to fill cracks.  i think i'll do it at night when dogs are going to bed and then will be crated during the day.  gotta plan for these things with creatures in the house. :)  include teens in the count.
i've had a relaxing day.  i'm jazzed still about yesterday's work. kids are not so great at oohing and ahhing, but that's ok.
still have to box up the rest of christmas.  it's the wrapping in newspaper that is so time consuming.  i'm getting there though....a bit at a time.  perhaps it will be thanksgiving when i finish and i can just begin unwrapping again.
i've spent another day all alone.  my daughter did come home just a bit ago.  she went to bed.  still feeling badly.  so, doctor for her tomorrow.  and an oil change for my car.  needs it badly.
i've been productive without being "busy".  not rushed.  not hurried.  and i'm not fussing about the time alone.  doesn't much phase me anymore.  there's a very happy thing.
content to rip and wrinkle paper.  that's novel for me.  but content is what i am.

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