Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


i am finally living.  not surviving.  not simply going through the motions.  though, i have to admit, i've been really tired this week with going back to school and still having a college student at home.  but, still, i'm not only living...i'm evaluating what i want based on who i am.  i am actually thinking through what brings me joy and what feeds my soul.  i'm am thinking of how to live my life honoring those things that are part of how i was made.
one thing i have learned is that i am simply not made to run all of the time.  i enjoy traveling, but even that is something that i savor at a leisurely pace.  being constantly pushed and always having to perform and finding competition to be the norm and that life is about making a living rather than a life...i'm not into it.  not at all.  i crave slowing down.  and, while i can't change my current environment, i am changing my own attitude and habits.  i'm letting go and taking a breath and choosing to slow life down.  i can't change what is around me, but i can change what is within me.
i choose joy.  and peace.  i choose to daily think upon what matters.  really matters.  i choose to look upon my whims and even a few whimsies...for life is short and time goes quickly.
i love certain decorating styles. yet, have never tried them.
i adore the beach, yet, i have never lived there.
i love hidden areas in gardens, yet i have none.
so.  there are things that i need to think upon.
i love working peacefully. teaching children wholeheartedly.  not the paperwork.  not the data.  those things elude me.
so.  how will i live?  i want to live wisely.  smartly.  kindly.  gently.
i want to live.
i will live.
not survive.
i will create the life that i was created for.

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