Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, January 20, 2014

welcome to my home

i have spent years having people in my home.  there isn't much that delights me more than to have them settle in and make themselves at home.  i have learned to find quiet moments in the midst of the chaos to recharge my introvert self.  i have learned a new thing also.
while i made others welcome.  reached out.  served.  was hospitable.  i somehow forgot about myself.  i didn't do the special things for me.  for myself.  this morning i was going to do an invite for coffee, but it didn't work out.  i was anxious to show off my new living space.  it's probably just as well seeing as how i'm still in my jammies and puttering around.  but...normally i would have gone with a different plan.  i would have made do.  instead i made myself breakfast.  and special tea.  instead, i took some time just to breathe and remember what happy looks like.
i also rethought about my flooring.  decided to give myself time to decide.  you know...i like soft carpeted floors.  but...dogs, kids, food...creeps me out.  and i want to build a long farm table to put in that room.  hmm.  i think that i should think upon it some more.  i'm better at planning the living spaces than the eating spaces.  i'll figure it out though.  in the meantime, the paper i've ripped can also go for another floor that i need to do...and i'm learning new things.  it's fun.  not complete yet, but still good.
i am learning to welcome myself into my home.  it is taking practice.  i'm getting there.
and you?  i hope that you feel welcome somewhere....and especially in your own living place.

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