Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, January 5, 2014


dreams are building blocks.  like legos.  pieces in a bin.  different shapes.  different sizes.
pretty.  fun.  cool.  but....lacking.  without form.  it takes work.  time.  vision.
they have to get dumped out.  rummaged through.  sorted.  it takes action.
in the beginning, the pieces might make something pretty simple.  in the beginning, trying to turn dreams into reality is difficult.  because we imagine that dreams are just supposed to stay in the box.  pretty pieces of life.  
but then.....
after we begin to play with the pieces.  after we allow ourselves the freedom to try.  our abilities to do new things increases with our time spent trying.  some are not great.  some are.  but once in awhile, one comes along....
that shows us the possibilities.  and causes us....to do even more.  to play at it more.  to dream bigger.  to dream more complex.  because the better the pieces, the more amazing the reality can be.
our own creations.  and we soar.  joy fills our hearts.  hope inspires us.  because when we unpack our dreams, we find out who we are meant to be.  we create the reality that we were made to live.  
and what was once just pieces, dreams...becomes the portrait of our lives.  we were created to create.  we were given vision.....dreams...not just to feel hopeful, but to live in an extraordinary way.  but it takes the courage to dump the pieces out of the box.  it takes the courage to learn some new things.  to see some new things.  and to fearlessly create something new with them.  even if it isn't a final product.  it's ok.  you can disassemble it and try it again.  but if you never take the pieces out, you never get to see the spectacular things that were meant to come only from you.....and neither does anyone else.  we each have to build our own lives.  that look unique.  unfortunately, we spend too much time trying to create plans of what others want to build.  
be brave.  be fearless.  be spontaneous.  dump out the box.  look at those dreams....and determine to create something out of them.  even if it's not the "big" thing that you imagine.  the big things come when we are faithful to begin small things.  we have to develop skills and confidence.  we have to develop perseverance.  we have to see that work in equals something that startles us.
dump the box.  if not at this very moment...then soon.  very soon.  because you only get a limited amount of time.  we are all on a deadline. 
go for it.  it'll be satisfying.  joyful.  inspiring.  it will let you see  your unique purpose.

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