Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, January 16, 2014


let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.....
the lesson that i'm constantly learning is that i can be a catalyst of peace.
like a starter of dough.
i can work peace into situations.
let there be joy on earth and let it begin with me....
ok, i made that up,
but as i was writing, i began smiling as i remembered something that happened today.
i have difficulty remembering to send down my lunch count pouch.
i've been doing pretty well lately,
but i forgot again today.
i toted it down to the cafeteria in person and spent a few minutes telling the ladies how much i appreciate them and how well they do their jobs and how nice it is to have them taking care of our kids with smiles and so much care.......and i mean it....
and as i was outside the door, booking it back upstairs to get some work done before i had to go pick up the little buggers again....i heard
"isn't she so sweet."
and i skipped.  happy.
because i took a few minutes to express appreciation and give compliments...i took the time to actually say aloud what i think....and it made some people very happy.
let me tell you...i've had a REALLY rough evening. drama.  blah. blech. yuck. ick.
and i haven't cussed. or called names.  even in my head.
and i put on my big girl panties and did what needed to be done.
and i kept it together when i was thinking how i get not an iota of sympathy anywhere. i am often shocked by how people basically tell me to buck up and how he gets so much "poor baby".  yikes.  really??  grow a pair.  and yet....it has caused me to evaluate.  to change.  to adjust.  to pray.  to hope.  to cry.  to laugh. to choose.  and though it sometimes feels like a donkey kick to the chest that takes away breath and leaves a whopping bruise that aches for a long time...i'm still here.  better.  kinder.  more real.  becoming.  and i am busily creating someone that will stand.  when the earth shakes.  when the seas roar.  when the heavens tremble.  someone who is not afraid of circumstances.  who chooses unswervingly to dwell in peace, love and joy.  not there yet...learning...but ever so happy to just be on the road.
rough night?  yes.  rough weeks?  that too.
good life?  most definitely.  abundantly.

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