Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

my creed

i've been working on what is important....most important to me.  for happiness.  for peace.

keep short accounts.  apologize when needed without fuss.  mean it.  go on.

say the good.  though it's hard.  awkward.  though people think you are weird.  silly.  and why do you do that?  do it anyway.  because you never know how long you have or they have...make the moments count.  if you like someone, say so.  frequently

have to do more later...gotta get to work!!!
have a great day

here i am.  i'm back after almost exactly 12 hours.  i have had a very productive and happy day.  i hope the same is true for you.


believe.  i believe that things will work out and will be good.  i tend to do so for too long sometimes, but it's just part of my creed...to believe with great hope.  i guess it's because time spent believing is time spent not worrying.  why worry until the bad thing actually happens?

give freely.  i have always desired this.  always trusted that giving with a cheerful heart is a good thing.  however, i was warped a bit in marriage and have had to tune up my actions.  i found that i had bought into a sense of stinginess.  it comes out in my tone of voice or body language.  i despise it.  slowly....back to a healthier me.

smile often.  why walk around looking like the world is ending?  a smile can change someone else's day...i know it because when i see someone smiling, it makes me happy for no real reason at all.  and smiling does wonders for me too.  it's like my body is reminding my spirit, soul, heart, mind....be joyful.

cry when needed.  don't gotta hold it in.  don't gotta look pretty.  sob.  weep.  wail.  shout.  get it OUT.  keeping it in just causes wrinkles.  and emotional constipation.  a good, long cry cleans out the system.  it often works as a reset button when things have been going out of control in too many directions.

rest.  peacefully.  not just sleep...though that's another topic.  rest. breathe.  let your mind wander.  and your body.  go for walks.  go on drives. putter around the house.  put your feet up. take a nap.  zone out.  allow yourself time to not be "on".  it's marvelous.  i know why god gave a day of rest..like crying...it's a good reset button.

sleep.  enough.  plenty.  not too much though.  not the boredom sleep.  do enough during your days that your body has a chance to be tired.  not just emotionally weary.  tired.  and then....sleep.  i am convinced that our culture is horribly sleep deprived.  constantly turned on and tuned in and never to the point of..."i'm done, i've done all i can do and i will sleep and face everything tomorrow."

cuss sometimes.  not like a sailor.  not in every sentence.  but, sometimes it's appropriate.  and it keeps you humble.  no holier than thou attitude.  and there are times where it is simply what needs to be said.

dream.  big.  huge.  massive.  document it.  with magazine pictures.  or pinterest. or a blog.  or a journal.  put it out there.  one day you might look back and find that dreams that seemed so big from the past are already a part of your reality.....

do what is possible.  sometimes, while doing so, the impossible gets done as well.

time.  give yourself...and others...time and patience.  living is hard work.  loving gets messy.  be patient.  yet, don't be stupid.  some people aren't loving you...they are using.  be wise.  act accordingly. side note:  ever so often give yourself a checkup to be sure that you aren't being a user instead of a lover.

have faith.  in god.  he not only he exists, he knows your name.  hears your heartbeat.  counts the hairs on your head.  he loves you.  not just when you are good.  nope.  he knows every little detail and he adores you....really.  all of the time.  no matter what you do.  no matter what you've done.  no matter what other people tell you.  i have to remind myself of this sometimes....like hourly.

live with gusto.  life is short.  people are with us for only a little time.  be silly.  laugh hysterically.  climb mountains. walk in streams.  take that trip to disneyland.  swim with dolphins.  go to a foreign country.  whatever gusto means to you....figure that out.  don't just float along never thinking about it.  while you are fully living, you will touch a lot of lives.  and it will change them.  and you.

well, guess that's all i've got for today.  these are the basics that guide how i live.  when i say "you"...it's me talking to myself as much as anyone else.  i often have to give myself a good talking to.  i try not to do it outloud....but sometimes, in the middle of it realize that i am. :)

walk tall.  

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