Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My word

My one word.
For those of you who know me, you just snorted.  An artist, I am not.  A crafter?  I shudder at the idea of being expected to make crafts that anyone else will see.  But, strangely, in the quiet of my morning...today...yesterday, actually, now that it's past midnight....in the alone moments...I finally knew what my word needed to be.  Risk was good.  Dare was great.  Gumption or perseverance were lovely.  Attitude and grace had been my first choices for quite awhile.  But.  Then.  I thought it through a little bit more.
I need a word that encompasses the ideas of choosing.  Of being responsible.  Of sticking with it.  Of hoping and believing.  And then, as often happens in those still and quiet moments, the answer came.
I chuckled myself.  ha.  So perfect.  So odd.
Create....spaces to feel comfortable.
Create....painted furniture.
Create....a happy home.
Create....smiling kids.
Create....great opportunities.
Create.....a positive, can do attitude.
Create.....a satisfying life.
Create.....an engaging classroom.
Create.....plan....design....be responsible for making a  life that reflects who I was created to be.
Made in the image of the Master Artist.  Designer. Creator.
Created to.....create with words.  Encouragement.  Humor. Kindness.
Creating involves...risk.  Risk was one of my other words.  Getting uncomfortable.  Doing things that are a leap.  I have to create an environment that fosters risk taking.  For me.  For others.
I don't want to settle for looking at things as they seem.  I want to look deeper.  I want to create good out of pain.  I want to create joyful attitudes in the midst of sorrow.  To create means that I take full responsibility for my own actions, choices, reactions and attitudes.
This word is a huge challenge.  A gift.  I look forward to seeing how God uses it to change me.  To grow me.  To help me to become a person that is not simply reactive to the world but who instead creates ways for good and peace and joy and happiness to be a part of every day.  Who creates an environment that dreams can become....reality.
Create.  Still makes me smile.
blessings!  happy 2014.  wow.  i'm old. 

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