Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


we are good at making good out of the oh my goodness.  of seeing the hilarious in the midst in the midst of the trouble. really good at it.  my kids and i.  we rock.
today the house filled with smoke.  flue had been accidentally closed.  i mean REALLY filled.  horribly.  while my daughter was sitting on the front porch breathing the fresh air, she saw the skunk tail sticking out from under the porch...
it was dead.
something had obviously tried to pull it out from under the porch at some point.  there has been snow.  just now visible.  ew.  but, as is our tradition, we jumped into the job with relish and laughter...and a camera of course!  my son was the hero.  my daughter the cheerleader.  me the recorder of a possibly bad moment being made a memory of adventure.
i still smell like smoke.  my eyes are crusty feeling.  but the house is mostly cleared.  the windows just got closed as the sun is setting.  thankfully, the temperature was in the mid sixties on this january day!  what a blessing.
i guess that somewhere along this road of life we learned this lesson.  to make good out of difficulty.  to revel in what  may seem...awful.  to take the hiccups of life and turn them into giggles.
i taught them this.  and of this fact, i am amazingly proud.
and today i got to talk with my 22 year old.  and i remembered why i cried so hard when he left.  when he went to college.  because we are similar.  :)  today we were facebooking and kept saying the exact same thing at the same time.  it was very funny.  weird even.  he has my weaknesses as well as my strengths.  so, it makes it good for us to be able to talk.
love these kids.  they amaze me.  even in the hard times.  especially in the hard times.

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