Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Starting From Scratch. Day Four

I began on my room the night after he left.  Hard work.  Anxious to put things in order.  The whole house, pulled apart.
But today, day four,  I had an epiphany.  The house is just like us.  Kinda pulled apart right now.  And it's going to take time to put back together.  But, it needs to be done on a better foundation.  So, I re thought the furniture, decided that LOTS of things are going to have to change.  That I can take a lot of time.  Thought  to put a recliner from the living room in my bedroom...until I can find my comfy wonderful chair.  And, we are going to move a sofa from the living room to the family room and a cabinet from the family room into the living room.  Basically, I am tossing the place.  Going through stuff. Touching it all.....leading me to decide that his dresser just can't be in my room.  My daughter wanted something in the bathroom to keep her clothes in...voila, two problems solved.
And there's that other foundation.  With the kids.  Re working.  Need to begin devotions and prayer time again.  Need to help them to slowly come back out.  To dream again.  To believe and hope.  I need to help them heal.
Today, I remembered that I'm pretty amazing.  I can do a lot of things.  And I am creative.  And I'm a good mom.  For awhile, not so much.  Too weighed down to be much good.  But I feel her rising up.  Ready again to be who she needs to be.
I have worked hard tonight.  But not to impress anyone.  Just to build something new.  Something whole.  On a strong and good foundation.  With faith and prayer.  With joy.  Smiles.  Peace.  Truth.  Not faking it.
I'm really glad that I didn't work the night job.  This is what God was calling me to do.  I don't know how He'll provide, but I know that He will.  Not saying that I don't need to work.  I'm saying that I need to follow and work when it's good and right to do so.  And do other things when they are more important.
Yep....starting from scratch on many fronts.  It's good.  Very good.

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