Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, December 16, 2011


I have knocked myself out with finding great gifts this year.  Totally jazzed.  I only have one thing that I REALLY REALLY REALLY want.....but I won't be getting it this year.  I'll save my money and buy it.  It will help me with my projects.  Maybe a business expense?
Nonetheless, candles and lip gloss and perfume and socks are nice from my kids.  Bet I don't get a holiday sweater this year.  My daughter was going to wear it to her ugly sweater party the other night, but we decided that she better not since her dad bought it.
It is hard to become the mom I guess.  It's like I see what my kids and husband love so easily.  But, that is only reciprocated by one of them.  He is amazing.  He got me a bird bath and solar lights for my front yard path.  His dad tried to take credit.  But he was the one who knew WHAT to get.  Who stayed home from church and set it all up.  He tries so hard to think of others.  I DO miss that.
So, while I won't get my most wished for present, I will get the time with my kids.  Of course, now I heard that my husband might be taking off a week!!!!  Mercy.  It will kill me.  I barely survive the days that he is gone 12 hours a day.  But, he works this Sunday...after church.  So, that's good.  Sad that it's a relief, but it is what it is.  Oh well.
Christmas is coming.  I hope that you have a great week of anticipation.
grace to you.

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