Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Finding Me

The strangest thing that I learned about myself this week is that the personality test I took was spot on.  Mostly.  Especially in the part where it talks about how my personality type looks for a creative/artistic outlet.  Not always the artist, but such great appreciation for beauty.  They often write....or find other ways to "create".  I am having a fun time learning a new skill in the printing world.  It's time consuming.  It's hard.  It's not my art, but someone else's.  Yet, it gives me such a sense of contentment to take the art from one form to another.  And, did I mention, it's really NOT easy.  It takes patience.  Which I have.  And the desire to work on a computer...which, I also have.  And not minding doing things until they are.........satisfying.  Hard to explain.  But it takes the ability to look and then look again differently.  Kind of like proof reading.  Which I'm sure all of you wish that I would do.  But, frankly, not so much joy in that.
In the midst of all of this I'm trying to say that I am finding me.  Sometimes it makes me smile to simply see the woman that I really am.  I thought that she had disappeared.  Yet, here she is.  What joy there is in so much for me.  Because I am not difficult to please.  I am easily amused.  I enjoy a challenge.  I like solitude.  I like making people happy.  I am extremely dedicated to those things which I believe in deeply.  I am faithful.  I am giving.  And I like finding new ways to express the beauty that I am so able to feel and experience.  That is a challenge since I'm not an artist.  But, that's ok.  I APPRECIATE beauty.  I know it when I see it.  And that is pretty special too.
I went missing there for a long while.  And even if nobody else noticed.....I missed me.  More than I even realized until recently.  And now I am becoming more peaceful.  Though there are still struggles.  I am becoming more willing to pursue those things that I am passionate about and not just those that make sense.  Because a pursuit is much better fueled by passion than duty.
I love life.  I love MY life.  Not every circumstance.  But the actual life.  The actual breathing.  And moving.  And heart beating.  Life.
I am not invisible.  Or, maybe I am to others, but it doesn't matter so much now that I remember who I am and Who sees me.  Who adores me.  Who delights in my complete differentness.  He does.  I'm remembering.  And I'm happy.
grace to you.

1 comment:

  1. Your artform is WRITING. That's wherein your creativity lies. You have a beautiful writing style, even when the content is difficult. Please consider this blog and all of your writing as a most beautiful work of art because surely, it is.


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