Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Moving The Letters

I play Scrabble.  And Words With Friends.  Online.  In person.  I like the games.  They are fun.  But, really, I mostly do it for fun. I'm not a die hard.  I'm pretty good, but I like to "open up the board"  and I'm not afraid to open up a triple if I'm playing a "pretty" word.  I know, not the best strategy.  I can hold my own and frequently get close to 400.  Or over.  But, there is something that I've noticed over time and learning.  Moving the letters around really helps.  It gives new insight.  I can get stuck thinking that u and n need to be used as un when really they could go in totally different places.  When I'm online, I can push a button that moves the letters and sometimes, there it is before my eyes.  The perfect word that I'd not seen before.  The other thing is looking at what's already out there.  I found a great word in my hand, but it didn't really fit on the board.  And, when looking on the board, I saw a wide open q right over a triple....what do you know, I had uire in my hand.  And scrabble buffs know that quire is a word.  But, before I looked carefully at the board, I was stressed that I didn't have a place to play a word.
Life is a lot like Scrabble.  Sometimes I have to adjust my thinking.  Look at things in new different ways.  Try on a new perspective.  Or, I have to look around at what is already out there and available to go with what I have to offer.  It's easy to get stuck in a rut of simply doing things the same way.  Of looking things the same way.  Of getting to the point of feeling like I don't have something to "play"  or not place to "play".  But, when I shuffle things around or begin looking outside of myself, the answers become so obvious.  And they are usually better than what little I was going to be able to do on my own.  I need to see how I fit into what is already happening all around in my world.  Where my "letters"....talents can be used to work with what else is going on.
This speaks to me as I long to figure out what my second half of life should look like career wise.  I don't have the word yet.  I'm still moving things around.  Trying to figure it out.  Trying to use what I have with what is out there.  I know that eventually it's all going to come together for the perfect high scoring word!  Maybe even a BINGO...that's when you use all seven letters at once.  I look forward to that time.  But in the meantime, I'm enjoying the journey.  The game isn't all bingoes.  Sometimes I have to swap my letters and sit out a turn.  It's ok in Scrabble and it's ok in life.
grace to you.

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