Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

My Bucket List

Truly, I know that it is amazing, but I have never made a "bucket

list."  There are so many things that I long to do or be that can't really go on a list.  How do you put it that you want to see your children fly?  What will that look like?  What does it mean?  Many of the things that I desire don't have to do with doing.  They have to do with being.
child like but not childish.
full of wonder.
easy to please.
a good friend.
a mom who lets go when it's time.
comfortable in my own skin.
stylish.....don't laugh, i want it, just haven't GOTTEN it.......yet.
artistic.  however that looks for me.
self supporting.
full of laughter.

have a clean house.  bothering me today.  ;)
go to europe for an extended period.....wander the market places of villages, have coffee, simply soak it in. and shop the flea markets for those things that i have always wanted.
write.  specifically, i want a blog that takes off.  and, perhaps a book that is full of wise encouraging gems.  gotta get some of those.
learn to draw.
dance......in the rain and in the ballroom.  mostly, i need the courage.  marriage has killed this.
live at the coast.  somewhere sometime.  probably northwest, but who knows what is out there in life?
give at least 20% of what i make away every month....quietly.  to those who don't give receipts.
paint my cupboards.  REALLY, i don't want to die without doing this.
sleep in my own...very own....room.
write letters.
take my friends and kids to a great trip somewhere.....relaxing and unusual.
say yes.  as often as possible.
to live.  not just exist.  as long as i have.

Guess that I can start with the house and maybe the rest will come!
You know, my friends, it's nice to have you along for the ride.  Come visit often.  Bring your friends.  Post your own words of encouragement or struggle.  You are loved  You are prayed for.  You are not forgotten.
grace to you.
* the bucket list photo was brought to you by Exceptional Living.  You can find them on facebook.

1 comment:

  1. I was realizing that the reason that I have been hesitant to put form to my "bucket list" is because I don't want someone to work at taking it away. Then I had an overwhelming sense of grief in the knowing that the one who tries to stifle and curb my dreams is the one who promised for better or for worse. Wow. Revelation.


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