Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

This Day

The only day that I have is this one.  Yesterday is like a morning fog that burns away with the shining of the sun.  Tomorrow like a wish on a star.  Both have their places in our memories and hopes, but only today allows me to "edit".  To make changes.  To live well.  To choose who this woman is going to be.  How she is going to live.  How she is going to love.  Give.  Share.  Grow.  Only today.  This day.
And on this day, I am making yummy spaghetti sauce.  I rock at making sketti sauce.  And bread.  And salad.  To share with those I love.  To enjoy.  And I am simply enjoying the treasure of having my son home.  The simple pleasure of hearing his voice in the other room.  Of his getting up getting the paper.  Little things.
And on this day, I am choosing prayer.  Lifting up my life to the One who can change me.  Who "gets" me.  Who doesn't make me change simply on a whim.  But who lovingly plans and sculpts and perfects a bit at a time just as an artist works a piece of stone into a sculpture.  Think of me as Mt. Rushmore.....before the presidents!!  God sees me already completed.  In His heart, in Him, I AM complete.  He sees me in a way that I can't even imagine because Jesus came to be enough.  I am treasuring that today.  Completeness.
And today I am telling the truth.  Even hard truth.  To myself.  But, today, also to others.
And today, I am glad that my husband will be going to work.  Very glad.  Practically giddy.  Makes my jaw relax.  My heart lighter.  The tension drains.  I know it will rise as the time comes for him to come back, but, for now, I get to anticipate the peace of the day.
This day is my gift.  To me.  From God Himself.  And, my gift back is giving my life to living.  Not producing. But realizing.  Perceiving.  Acknowledging.  Desiring.  Loving.  Growing.  Sharing.  Investing.  Purposing.  Repurposing.
I have a life.  A day.  Like a child with a dollar in the dollar store, I am happily thinking of all of my options.
grace to you.

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