Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Who Am I

I walk in the same doors.  I travel the same streets.  I shop at the same stores.  I breathe the same air.  But, somehow, sometimes, I feel so very unseen.  It's not so depressing anymore.  I'm beginning to understand.  My personality doesn't demand that people take notice.  Not usually.  And, honestly, I have a hard time saying out loud what is really on my heart.  I can talk about so many things, but those things that are deeply cherished in my heart are difficult.  It didn't used to be.  I mean, I've always had my personality, but I used to be able to share with those people who were close to me what made me tick.  What I needed.  What I wanted.  How I felt.  But somehow now it's as if I figure that if the person I am married to isn't interested then why would anyone else be? It's like I was cut off.  He goes on jovial and talking and telling stories.  But I am strangely muted.  Oh, I talk plenty, but it is so easy for me to be hidden.  Large family.  Outgoing people around.  It's just easy.
And when I try to say how hurt I've been I feel like I get silenced.  And I know that it's not my story to share.  So, I wonder who I am.  Because who is a person if nobody sees her?  Is she still who she knows she is?  Or is she who she behaves on the outside because of circumstances?  I think that I believe that I am the person I know that I really am.....and yet, what difference does it make if I a alone in knowing her?  God knows.  But he didn't put me here to be the only one who knows me.  It's a conundrum.  I don't know how to solve it.
I am a giving person.  Kind.  Willing.  But not willing to do anything.  I have boundaries.  It's as if I'm not supposed to within the confines of marriage.  I feel like that is what I was taught.  That what is expected is to give everything.  Including my very selfness.  And I can't.  Because I don't know how to live if I give away the very essence of who I am.  And I want to live.  I want Christ to live in me.  Not in a made up version of me that exists to keep someone else content.
I want to be seen.  But I don't want to have to wave a flag and shoot off a flare.  I am a very private person.  I am easily put off from sharing my soul.  From baring my pains.
But this much I know.....Jesus loves me.  He KNOWS me.  Knows my name.  My inner workings.  And He gets me.  And He doesn't expect me to throw away who He made.
Who I am can make a very lonely day.  But, also can make deep, meaningful connections.  Without pretense. I am a very committed person.  I am full of confidence...but not pride.  I want to figure this out.  I want to be seen.
grace to you.


  1. Dear Grace,
    I so "get" what you're thinking about. At this very minute I am wondering why my two brothers and sister are together supporting each other about something (which is nice in and of itself) but painful as they don't rally around me when I need support. I guess I'm not out there waving them down with red flags, my personality. I think that sometimes I get so good at handling things that no one takes notice or ever thinks I need anything. I see connections here with you. You are great at accomplishing so much that people are at a loss to know how to support you and some won't even try. My husband is supportive and I still feel the loss. I do believe this is a problem with the personality type. I don't know how to overcome it. It is a painful place for me and I suspect for you. Sometimes overachievers need some recognition.

  2. I hope that you get the recognition that you deserve. And that your heart and soul are filled and at peace. We don't always get it where we wish, but we can be surprised by getting it in a totally different way. You are not invisible. You are important. You matter. Thanks for your kind words.


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