Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Good. The Bad. And the Ugly.

There are mean people.  It's a fact.  Not only people who do mean things.  Some people ARE mean.  I didn't used to think so.  But, I've come to know that there are people who thrive on meanness.  I don't mean that they are unredeemable nor unchangeable.....simply that for now, they are mean.  Note, I didn't say unloveable.  For they are as loved and sought after as the kindest person....because thankfully to me, God doesn't use our standard.  And, there are bad circumstances.  Death.  Divorce.  Debt.  Discontent.  Doubt.  War.  Health.  Battling.  Abuse.  So many different ones.  There are so many reasons in the world to find to be sad.  Or depressed.  Or morose.  Or a victim.  Or irrational.  Or unkind.  To feel justified in doing so.  And sometimes, frankly, for a few moments, it's ok to stop and acknowledge the horror of it all.  The disappointment.  The failing.  The hurt.  But it's not good to live there.  No, instead choose to live seeing the good.  Even the little things.
Let me tell you about my morning.  I drive my kids to school seven miles each way every day.  In all sorts of weather.  We leave at 7am.  I live in a mountain state.  The mountains are west of my home.  As a matter of fact, we drive to the foothills or school.  Every morning is full of wonder.  For those who choose to see it.  Today began with a view of snow covered peaks reaching up above the surrounding clouds.  And across the fields there was such a thick layer of fog that I couldn't even see the lake.  It reminded me of when I'm at the ocean.  Love that.  And the frost on the trees was white and shiny.  Not glistening because the sun was muted by the clouds.  So much so, that the sun looked like the moon.....and then, before my eyes, it burned through the clouds and blazed brightly looking like the aura seen in the Catholic pictures of Jesus or Mary.  The temperature was 13 degrees.  It was absolutely amazing.  And, with the coming of the sun, the trees and branches shimmered like the diamonds at a red carpet event in Hollywood.  My kids were with me.  Enjoying.  Commenting.  In our really warm, toasty car.  With plenty of love to fill us.
And, though my husband chose to not be considerate this morning, strangely, that lost it's sting.  It lost it's power.  Because the good in my life is SO very good.  So very enjoyable.  Because I want to be someone who sees good.  Who enjoys it.  Who is thankful for it.  So........I will be.
What about you?  What do you want?  Is bitterness and unkindness what you want to chew on?  Or do you want to taste the sweetness of something better?  It's your choice.  No circumstance holds your mind hostage.  And it is your mind that decides what to make important.
I've made up my mind.  Had to do it hour by hour.  Day by day.  But, it is worth it.  It brings life to the soul.
grace to you.

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