Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

God Giggled

When God made me, I bet He giggled.  Maybe even ROFL.  Because He knew that I was different.  He knew that I was going to cause a lot of people a lot of confusion.  He knew that they would say, "wait, didn't you know that you are different?"  And it wasn't a problem for Him.  He was gleeful.  Putting on the extra touches that would make me stand alone.  And yet...somehow, would bring me more joy than I can believe.  The things that others can't even imagine.  Can't even think about.  I do.  I thought everybody did.  Turns out...nope.  I'm weird.  For the longest time, I just thought that I was weird.  I didn't really know that I was "different"...you know, because that seems a little bit more like being "special".  Like I need a special bus or van to pick me up.  Which, I might actually enjoy.  I do kinda like being pampered.  Sometimes.  But, I'd probably not like it because I really do like to drive.  I am different.
And I have to tell you this really cool thing.  He made friends for me.  He gave me kids who like me for all of my quirkiness.  He made a place for me in the world.  I like that.  He knew me.  He added in all of those things that some people with about me.  And He said, "it is very good."  With no "if" added in.  I like that too. I don't walk to the beat of a different drummer....cuz my sense of rhythm sucks.  I just walk along.  Kind of wandering as I wonder.  And think.  And marvel.  And absorb.  And that's ok.  Totally ok.
I don't always believe it.  Sometimes it still stings.  Being "different".  It's hard.  Because for all of the be you, be unique, be an individual that our society touts, really, conformity is where it's at.  Wear the right brands, think the right things, behave a certain way, believe specific ideas......and I....don't.  I don't particularly fit into any large group.  Yet, I have enough support.  Enough love.  Enough kindness  Enough laughter.  Enough encouragement.  Enough joy.  Enough hugs.  Enough interaction.  Enough.  Of everything that I need.  Though even the people who love me think that I'm weird.  I'm kinda getting used to it, I think.  And longing less to be "normal."  Although, sometimes, I think that it must be very pleasant to be more easily understood.  But being normal would cost me too much.  My inner thought life.  My absolutely insane adoration for the completely simple.  (yeah, my friends fall in this category......just kidding, but I can say that because this is a safe spot.)  I would lose this strange kind of drive I have inside of me....not to produce, but to uplift.  To encourage.  To hold a line of believing the best about people...even when they are being complete screwups.  I can see that, call it what it is and STILL see the amazing parts of them.  I am really weird.  Really complex.  Really deep.
And I have been blessed by it.  By this ability to write.  To gather thoughts like others gather laundry.  Or flowers.  Or children.  And to bring the thoughts together so that finally they make some sense to me.  I have the ability to add meaning to what is happening in the world.  Because in my strangeness, I see it.  I see meaning.  And I see the most basic meaning of all is to truly live....and in so doing, to give glory and thanks to the One who made us.  Bottom line, if we don't really live our own life, we don't ever really give back to Him or to the world what was intended.  Even if we DO a lot of good things.  It's not a contest.  And the most popular don't get a special prize.  It's more like an art show.....and the most original, most creative, most adventurous pieces are the ones that give glory to the Artist.
grace to you.

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