Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Two Important Days + One

"The two most important days of your life, are the day you are born, and the day that you find out why." Mark Twain

I agree that those two days are very important.  The first gives your very being.  The next shows you that the first has meaning, there's one more very important day....it's the one when you decide to actually do the "why you were born."  When your purpose rises up inside of you and overflows and nobody else can stop you from going for it.  No nay sayers.  No discouragers.  Nobody.  
Because the why only matters if you actually DO it.  If you actually go towards it.  It's not about success, but about the journey to becoming her.  The one you were made to be.  The one that lives inside and visits with you at night.  Who appears in your dreams as a near vapor at times.  But, finally gains form and direction.  
You know her.  She is the you that is meant to be.  The one that you've been playing hide and seek with for years.  You have a list of reasons why she needs to stay in the background.  Why it wouldn't be wise to live her life flagrantly.  Because she's not the norm. She doesn't work a 9-5 job and clean the house and garden for fun.  Or...maybe she does.  She just doesn't fit in with what others think you need to be or do.  
But, here you are.  Another year racing up to greet you.  What is to keep you from inviting her out to the party?  Why shouldn't you explore the adventure that awaits if you actually embrace her....the real you?  What is so scary?
Yeah, I have a list too.  It's huge isn't it?
But, I'm realizing that who I am is who she is anyway.  I can hide her.  I can play the game and be what I have to be for everyone.  But, I will never be or feel whole until I go for it.  Until I become the woman I know that I am.
So, I don't know about you, but I have hopes and desires for this next year.  Prayers for moving forward and moving on.  For becoming that woman that I've befriended over this last year...the one I had forgotten because she had been hidden for so long.  
I can't wait.  It's going to be quite the journey.
I am going to go for a great writing platform.  They say you need a great plan.  I have a plan....perhaps it will be great...if it's not, I'll find another.  And, hopefully before NEXT new year's, I'll have an agent.  Maybe.  
Writing here has helped me to gain confidence.  Not in my abilities so much as in the hope that I can build what I need to get recognized as a writer.  
My plan involves some tools that I'll need...if I manage to get them, then I will begin.  If I can't right now, then I will be patient.  I will keep faithful to writing every day.  To dreaming.  To finding out how to live out who I was created to be.  
It's exciting.  I will let you know......it involves things that I love doing.  Writing, painting furniture, working on the computer and promoting a business.  Traveling.  Kids.  Planning to have a ball!!!  
grace to you.

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