Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I am determined.  I make choices and work hard to follow through.  Today was Thanksgiving.....two days early!  So much food.  I was literally on my feet for over 8 hours before we ate.  Mercy.  But it was FUN.
Actually, I got up this morning a little stressed.  I usually have the rolls in the freezer ready to be taken out and proofed and the pies made.  Not today.  And, frankly, my house was pretty gnarly.  I cleaned the sink toilet and mirror....not in that order.  Then I didn't have a chance to get back to it at all.  As a matter of fact, when people arrived, I was wearing a flour covered t-shirt, jeans and was barefooted.  No makeup.  Hair up with all of the barrettes that I had found around the house.  I had taken a shower.  Good thing.
But I determined in the morning not to let my experience be affected by the fact that the task of serving a meal for around 25 is pretty daunting....not to mention having the house be tidy enough for people to feel comfortable.  I took a deep breath.  Breathed in Jesus.  Remembered how I want to be hospitable.  How I want people to feel included.  Then, I breathed again.  And, amazingly, I was calmer.  Add to that encouraging words from a friend. Kids who peeled 22 pounds of potatoes!!  And cored and peeled apples for pie.  And ran the little errands.........I was blessed.
I don't know how it was for others.  Don't know if they had a great time.  I know that I did what I set out to do.  Allow people into my life.  Let them enjoy what they desire.  Let them help themselves and be at home.  There were games.  And music.  And wii.  And xbox.  And coffee.  And laughter.  Crazy times.  Fun times.  And those moments of frustration.  That are worth it.  Because you love the people who are there.
And, I managed the husband thing.  Though I wanted to say, "why were you helping while they were here but as soon as they left you quit?"  It's all for show.  Oh well.  Maybe it makes him happy.  I can't say.  I also determined today that I would enjoy fully.  And be present.  Although some things were very uncomfortable.  I was brave.  I am getting stronger.  I am learning.
I am kind.  I am hospitable.  I am able.  I am needy. (it's true....I have to learn to admit that sometimes I simply need someone to encourage me or help me....I'm not an isolationist.)  I am most content in these quiet moments of reflection.  But, the times of total mayhem bring me joy.  And laughter.  I am NOT a conversationalist.  Go figure....I thought I had to be to be hospitable.  But, I don't.  All I have to do is get the people together and let them get going on their own.
I am full of faith.  For so many things.  And hope.  And determination.  I will live my life fully.  With joy.  With peace.  Period.  Nobody gets to take that away.
grace to you.

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