Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, November 7, 2011

His Banner Over Me Is Love

Imagine it.  Escorted to the banquet hall.  By the King.  And His banner over you is love.  Over me.  Brought in, just as you are and it's made known to all that He adores you.  Finds you captivating.  Is enthralled.  Is completely loving toward you.  Almost every version of the Bible used the term, "banner over me is love."  I found one that changed it to "and it was evident how much he loves me."  But, I love the picture of the banner.  Like there's sky writing.  A literal banner.  A flag.  An announcement, "I LOVE THIS GIRL!!!"  No shyness or reticence about it.  No holding back.  No, "if you would only......for me.....then I would love you".  Nope.  I am His.  You are His.  And He brings you to the banquet with pride and joy and acceptance.  The greatest part is....He ALREADY knows everything.  There are no surprises.  Past.  Present.  Future.  Beloved.  Though others may scorn.  Or turn you away.  Or push to make you be someone you don't know how to be.  Though you struggle with things you know you shouldn't.  Though you are not where He created you to be.  He gets it.  Completely.  And yet, no matter what others think, gives you His name, His reputation, His very life.  Even if you tarnish it.  Even if you aren't feeling like a "great catch."  It's a done deal.  There's a banquet.  He's your escort.  And there is a celebration with banners and balloons and confetti.  A huge banner above your place:  MY BELOVED.  Get used to it.  It's a fact.  Picture it.  Rest in it.
grace to you.

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