Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

When In Doubt

When in doubt.......move forward.  Keep taking steps.  Keep your eyes open and search for the answer that works the best.  Usually, when in doubt the first response is to hunker down and wait it out.  But, that means that you get whatever others choose for you or whatever happens.  No.  Much better to stand up tall and face the day and see what choices are best for you.  To try out different things.  To explore.
I was so tempted to cancel my job interview.  I mean, how can I be ready to teach?  I barely sub without meltdowns.  Without stress and struggle.  I don't have to current education that everyone seems to be looking for.  And, I don't think that I want to go back to school right now.  Take some professional development classes?   Definitely!  But the rest will just have to wait.  I have too many other dreams and hopes to explore.
I want to fly.  To soar on my dreams.  The visions put in my heart by my Creator Himself.  He doesn't regard me as silly or without direction.  He knows my heart.  And He has a good and perfect plan for my life.  Perfect, not just adequate.
So, I'm not going to hunker down and wait for what happens.  I am going to purposefully and prayerfully move in my life.  Make choices.  Try things.  Be brave.  Perhaps I will fail.  But, I will not regret.  Because the only things I've ever truly regretted aren't mistakes I've made when trying, but failures because I didn't bother. I want to enjoy this beautiful life.  And circumstances should not keep me from it.
grace to you.

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