Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, November 18, 2011


You know when it happens.  You walk in and you smell it.  The unmistakable odor of cat poo.  You look all around, sure that you are going to see a pile somewhere.  But, you just can't find it.  It reeks.  You feel ready to hurl.  Where in the world is it?  How come it's so hard to find when the smell is so pungent?  Then, in a moment of realization, you lift up your shoe to find that YOU are where the smell is.  You stepped in it.  It is walking around with you.
Bitterness is like that.  It sticks to the soul and causes a stench.  A life that could emit a pleasing aroma, becomes rank.  It becomes putrid.  Bitterness comes when you wittingly or unwittingly "step" in something foul.  It touches your life.  And, it changes you.  Cruelty.  Unfairness.  Unkindness.  Unfaithfulness.  Stinky things all.  But, if they aren't cleaned off right away, they walk around with you.  Becoming what defines you.  The "odor" of your life.
I want something different.  I can be angry about a situation without becoming bitter.  I can see that something was wrong and choose to walk on without carrying it with me.  But, that's the thing.....I have to choose.  And getting rid of the stinky mess on your shoe or in your life is NEVER pleasant.  However, it reaps a great reward.  Freedom.  To walk.  To be pleasant.  To give off something good.  To be a blessing rather than a curse.
So....you stepped in it.  You finally realize: "it's me that stinks."  Whatcha' gonna' do about it?  Choose to clean it off......and go on in life.  A sweet perfume to  those who meet you.
grace to you.

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