Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Drawing Nearer

All week I have spent time bolstering my courage.  Knowing that there are times in life when we simply have to put our own fears, comfort and desires aside and step up and do what is really important.  Something like that is happening this week.  Something that I desperately want to do and at the same time absolutely am not sure that I CAN do.  So....I decided.  Early in the week.  I sat myself down and gave myself a talking to.  "This is an event that you would never miss.  Not in a million years.  There are going to be people there who will make you uncomfortable.  But, only if you let them.  You have a choice about how you feel when you are there.  You get to decide what is important to you and what is not.  You get to choose what to listen to.  You are free to speak. Free to enjoy.  Free to live.  You have no obligation to explain.  Or apologize.  Or try to fit in.  You can simply be yourself.  You are strong.  You are able.  You live, move and have your being in One who is greater than you.  He will lift up your head.  Be your strength and your encourager.  Go.  Have fun.  Live in abundant joy.  It is His gift.  And nobody else gets to take it away."
And, amazingly, I kinda' listened.  Though my heart still races a bit.  And my mind wanders to the what ifs if I allow it to.  I know that I can do it.  More importantly, I WILL do it.  And that makes me feel pretty accomplished.  I am healing.  A little at a time....but healing definitely.
grace to you.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really angry that people would make you feel uncomfortable. It's got to be a judgement problem. You know what I try to do? Remember my hero, Judge Judy. Ok, it's stupid, I know. But just think of her telling off those stupid___ people! I love her no-nonsense approach, and because I can't do it... I let her, in the privacy of my own mind. It brings me a lot of satisfaction. Just saying. You go for it, girl.


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