Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sometimes I Just Wanna Scream

Making a decision is like......impossible.....for him.  For pete's sake, it's an afternoon fishing with your adult son and younger son....either yes or no.  But instead, a dozen excuses about why HE can't decide.  Why it's someone else's problem.  Why he can't simply get it together and decide.  Now everyone is standing around 20 minutes before and trying to decide what is happening. All while he is off at a practice of undetermined length of time after which time he will think about whether he wants to go or not.........aaaaarrrrrggggghhhh.  What does this say to his son that loves to fish?  Who said, "I really want to go, but I want to go if you come."?  AAAaaaarrrrgggghhhh.  While our adult son gets it.  Gets that the kid needs something from his dad.
I have had not very nice words in my head.  And I have no bleep button.  It's just frustrating to know that he simply can't just make a decision.  "No thanks, today I'm tired and would like to stay home."  "I will come up later when I finish up some things."  "All right buddy, I'm down with it....let me grab my pole."  But not blaming everyone else about why he can't make it.
I called one of the people who he said was holding him back.  That he was supposed to teach her sons to use a chainsaw and couldn't leave them.  Really, he was supposed to teach her....and when I mentioned this he got really quiet.  He knows that he's making excuses.  Waiting for life to happen to him.  Waiting because then whether it's a good decision then he can take credit...and if it's bad there's someone to blame.  It's not even a decision that matters that much.  It's only a few hours of fishing.  Go or don't go.  But don't keep everyone guessing and from going.  Because as it stands now......it might all be off.  It's simply nuts.  Totally.
Frustrated.  Totally.  Not by the event.  By the fact that this is my life.  I feel sad for my son who is now waiting for his brother to call because it seems that they don't have room for him.  Now maybe they do.  Now maybe they don't.  How hard that is on him.  It's crazy
grace to you..

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