Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Life Changing

There are many things that I am truly and deeply thankful for.  All of the biggies of course....food, family, Jesus, friends....hahahaha I listed food first.  Kinda tired tonight.  They weren't in order, simply the ones we all think of. But tonight and today I have been thankful for being part of life.  Really participating.  Not waiting for life to happen.  Not allowing myself to sit and mope.  Jumping in.  Today was a very tiring day.  I was up most of the night helping a friend get an order ready for her business.  Time went by, and suddenly it was 3:30 am.  I got home and went to sleep at about 4am.  Then, woke up about 5:30am with a migraine.  Tried to really get back into sleep, but it was hard to fight the headache.  So, I focused on simply relaxing.  Right before 8am, I got up, got dressed, went to the hardware store and cruised back to her house to put the finishing touches on the order. Then, took off for the hour drive to deliver.  Doesn't it sound hideous?  Yet, it was one of my best days.  And nights.  This order was a blessing from God to provide for her family.  She loves her work.  She allowed me to be a part of something amazing.  I know, you're thinking, "well, duh, you are free labor."  I'm not stupid.  I KNOW that.  But today I had an aha moment as I realized that I loved what I was doing.  What I was a part of.  Even though I'm not the inspiration nor the artist's touch.  I have purpose.  I believe.  With a whole heart.  I cheer.  I do the simple stuff.  I help to carry the load.  But it doesn't feel like a load...it feels like a gift.  Included.  That is a gift all of it's own.
On top of seeing God answer prayers, I got to spend the day going to fun places, eating out and just having fun.  I felt so relaxed.  Could be the total lack of sleep, I'm sure.  Hear I am at nearly 10pm awaiting a call from my sons to pick them up.  Tired to the core.  Having 24 people over to eat tomorrow...early Thanksgiving.  I think that I should be stressed.  Have a lot of cooking to do.  Trying to figure out the oven.  Pies take an hour at least.....times four.  I make eight.  Rolls.  Turkey, of course.  But, it'll all be fine.  I did a little tonight.  I just want people to have a relaxed, fun day where they feel absolutely welcome.  Loved.  Included.....yep, I want to pass that feeling along.  Because it made me feel so thankful.  Nearly teary in the happy kind of way.  I think that maybe a lot of people just want to be a part.  To be included.  To feel like they are important and wanted.  It's life changing.  Yep, I want to pass it on.
grace to you.

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