Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What Are The Odds

When I was in college I dated someone.  Not just an anyone...a someone.  He treated me well.  He really liked me.  For who I was.  But, he was a great debater.  Not harmful.  Not mean.  It just was something that made me uncomfortable.  He also was going to a VERY conservative Christian college and wanted me to move there with him.....let's just say that wearing a dress every day and living under very strict guidelines for women wasn't on my list of life choices.  He knew that.  So, he made it work from a distance.  He sent me flowers.  He flew in to surprise me when I got my job after graduating.  He was amazing.  But, he wasn't the ONE.....I didn't want to make him feel like he had to tone back who he was or anything and yet, I couldn't cope with the theological debates with.....everyone.  So, I broke up with him.  He was so sweet.  We remained friends.  And months later, I found out that the night I broke up with him he had the ring in his pocket to ask me to marry him.  He never told me.  Never behaved as though I ruined his life.  Never said bad things about me.  Never hurt me.  His sister told me.  Told me he cried.  He was a good man.  And, has a good family now.  Marrying him wouldn't have been a good idea with the doubts I had about being able to support his type of ministry.  I wanted to go all out for whoever I committed to.
Flash forward 25 years.  My kids are nearly grown.  My son is going to a fine Christian University in the Pacific Northwest.  And, the guy I dated?  He is the Vice President of Student Life.  Seriously.  I hope that my son meets him and gets to know him.  I hope that he teaches him things.  I find it amazing how small the world is.  

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