Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Living Joyfully

Being joyful doesn't mean a trouble free life.  Past or present.  It doesn't mean easy relationships.  Nor an abundance of money.  Or things.  Being joyful isn't based on circumstances nor on position.  Being joyful depends on me.  I can only live joyfully when I accept my responsibility when I am mean, wrong, unkind, stupid acting, selfish, whiney, judgemental, withdrawn.......whatever I am and however I behave.  It is MY responsibility.  Which, in turn, means that other people's behavior is NOT my responsibility. To a degree, I am responsible for my kids' behaviors...and for teaching and training them what is acceptable and that they must own their own behavior and consequences.  But, I am not responsible for how my husband feels or behaves.  I am responsible for what I do with it.  When someone is mean to me, that doesn't excuse me behaving badly as well.
I am allowed to be joyful.  As a matter of fact, it is my gift from the King.  He came that I might have joy...and have it ABUNDANTLY.  Not sparsely for special occasions.  No, for every day use.  No matter what is going on.  No matter how I've been treated.  No matter what others think of me.  I can only own my part in anything.  And then I am free to latch onto the joy of knowing that He can work all things for good in my life.  And strangely, while doing so, can work things for good in the lives of those who wish me harm too.  That's what makes Him God.
I love being with my friends who are joyful.  Not that they never have troubles.  Not that they hide it or fake it or behave as if it doesn't matter.  Not at all.  They just leak joy through the holes that come from the pains.  By making a choice.  It's so pleasant.  Like fresh water on a hot day.
I purpose to live joyfully.  Not standing in the cloud of his discouragement or disapproval but rather in the sunshine of the Son.  I Can.  And I will.  I get to choose.
grace to you.

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