Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Deep Breath

Went back to reading my Lundy Bancroft book.  Much better.  Nearly done with it.  Yes, you guessed it, I should go......took working through all of the chapters.  Having the chance to judge my responses in the exercises.  I know that it's time.  Now.....how to do it remains a bit of a mystery.
There are chapters for that too. ;)  But I am simply reveling in the lightness that came over me as I realized that the people who wrote the book actually got where I am...how I feel...what I wish...how hard it is....how strong I am....how much I have carried.  I can't ever explain to anyone how much I have carried.  How his apologies don't make it right.  How he never gets that he doesn't give...not just 50/50, but he doesn't give.  He takes.  And, beyond that, it has forced me to spend years taking care of his needs, trying to keep him happy, keep to myself what I need in order to allow peace at home.  He has been.......destructive!!!
And yes, I am angry.  Very angry.  Because he took all that I gave to him and now he wants to finally say, "oh, dear, i finally get it and so now you need to let me try to be better...."  and I don't want to.  No matter what anyone thinks.  Blech.
Yes, I can care and love.  And I can have boundaries.  And I deserve more deep breaths.  Been holding it too many years.
Wow.  That feels good.  Hope you are proud of me.  I know that I sure am.
grace to you.

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