Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Taken From Patsy Clairmon...read the last paragraph.

Loving Love by Patsy Clairmont
Valentine's Day... aww. I love love. Don't you?
At least the thought of love makes my heart squishy and causes my pulse to thump. Not just romantic love, but friendship love, and grandchildren love. Ah, yes. And what about puppy love? I'm talkin' real bouncy wet-nosed puppies and playful furry-ball kittens. Who can see new born animals and not ooh and ah with delight? And chuckle with pleasure.
There is the cutest video online these days of a man kneeling next to a box full of yapping puppies. He begins to softly sing and the puppies amazingly hush, curl up, stretch out, close their eyes, and fall fast asleep. Aww. So sweet.
Maybe you remember a lullaby that was sung to you or that you sang to a little one that hugs your heart when you hear it. Tenderness breeds love.
My dad use to sing "You Are My Sunshine" to me. To this day I celebrate that song. Mom sang as well, but what I remember most is her tender touch stroking my forehead and rubbing my hands.
Every Valentine's Day I made my parents cards. One, that survived the years, has a side profile of my dad that I attempted and because dad was bald I drew sparkly light glowing from his dome. Oh dear, he must have appreciated that.
I received my first Valentine from my hubby Les when I was 15. I still have it. Am I mushy or what? It had a mail box stuffed with cards on the front, which was significant since we lived 600 miles apart and there was no such thing as texting or emails. And the only twittering was my heart when I would see Les' handwriting on an envelope. Oh, heart be still.
But the love I'd like to focus on this February is self kindness. Taking care of you. I'd like to encourage you to put yourself on your Valentine List. To give is to receive, we know, but because God treasures us we must learn to love ourselves as well. Not indulge our weaknesses, (put that chocolate-covered cherry down, girl!) but to find a way to be kind to us. It could be a new book that you set aside an hour today to begin... one that will nurture your heart. Or a long distance call you take time for that reconnects you to someone you miss. Or maybe you could extend mercy to yourself for not doing everything right.
Be creative. Be loving. Be kind.
I love love.
And remember...we can love because He (Christ) first loved us.

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