Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Finding the Beauty

I am a scavenger of the beautiful.  But, oftentimes, others wouldn't really see it's beauty.  It's something looking all used up.  At the end of it's life.  Not stylish.  Full of dings and dents.  But I see....potential.  I see the lines.  The skeleton.  The underlying quality.  The purpose that it has left for it's new chapter.
It's no wonder that I view furniture that way.  I view people that way too.  But, sometimes, I have trouble viewing myself that way.  I am wounded.  Beyond what I ever could have imagined.  And the more I look and face the truth, the more dents and dings I find.  But I am determined.  To work as I do with furniture.  Patiently.  Waiting.  Seeing what I see needs to be done next.  A little at a time.  Looking closely.  Leaving it out to examine it.  I have to do that with myself.  Sometimes I just want to hide.  But I have been trying to talk to people.  To say what I think.  To learn what yet needs to be done to make the dings beautiful.  Because the Author had a plan.  Not to harm me  But to provide a future.  And a hope.  I trust that.  Because I trust Him.
I find beauty.  In the oddest of places.  And I work to bring forth the amazing gift that is inside each piece.  It seems weird to say that it speaks to me.  When I get still.  Quit worrying what everyone might want to see.  And see what it needs to be.  According to me..   Then, I can work effectively.  Joyfully.  With pleasure.  I am so conditioned to try to please to try to keep things ok to do what he wants....that this has been a good learning exercise for me.
Hope that you are finding beauty in your day.  Even in unexpected places.

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