Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, March 26, 2012


I have learned something in the last couple of years.  It's best not to be running FROM something but to something.  Because there has to be a goal.  Or you might spend your whole life being afraid and running.  I got to thinking about this because I see so many people going from thing to thing to thing.  Person to person to person.  Never happy.  Never satisfied.  And I determined that I don't want to BE that person.  I want to be the person that finds happiness and wholeness, joy and prosperity in where I am as well as where I am going.  I want to be traveling on a journey...and adventure.  But not a meaningless, pointless, undirected adventure.  And, not the tour guided, absolutely safe, no choices, stand and listen to someone else tell me what to look at and what I should notice either.  I want to have a goal.  A direction.  A hope.  And while pursuing it, I want to be free to wander, grow and take my time enjoying little goals along the way.  For instance, I love going to the Oregon coast.  It takes quite a long time.  I like that aspect.  I like that there are places and events along the way.  That every time I go, it's different.  Same goal.  Different experience.  So, I want to be running toward something that is uniquely me.  Moving forward in a direction that gets me where God has always intend that I be.  But I don't want to do it in a rigid "I must get this far by this time or else" kind of way.  Because life is for learning.  And growing.  And enjoying.  And meandering.  Life is for living.  Not for achieving.  Strangely, the biggest "achievements" of my life have simply been a part of my journey.  Relationships.  Events.  Moments.  Memories.  Experiences.  Things that I could never have imagined nor conjured up in my mind.
So, I am running.  Toward a life full of giving.  Of writing.  Of joy.  Of kindness.  Of surprises.  Of learning.  Of reflecting.  Of resting.  Of working.  Of taking the time to BE.
I have spent so long holding someone else up, trying to make everything ok, that it was as if when I wanted anything for myself that I had to be running away.  No more.  Now I am going to live purposefully.  Planning.  Hoping.  Looking.  Creating.  And then enjoy the journey towards those plans and hopes.  It won't look anything like I imagine.  Yet, it will be perfect.

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