Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


it has been a long while.  i am diligent about the things i know that cause my migraines.  but, i should have felt this one coming on this week.  thinking back....i knew.  i just didn't put it together.  too much else on my mind.  that was what pushed me over...the too much else.
so, i got up.  i'm doing my "routine."  the good thing is that it's a wake up call for me.  this stress IS destroyingme.  living in dread.  constantly knowing that i need to filter or curb what i feel, want or think.  i didn't used to do that in my life.  now it comes so normally.  and i am battling against it.  battling to be free.  the battle was won.  yet here i am.  still a soldier.  He fought for me so that i can fight now.  not with words or to win about an idea.  but so that life itself can be won.  lived.  freely.
a headache is not a good thing.  unless it serves as a reminder.  a wakeup.  what has been happening over the years might have been silent to everyone else.  unseen.  but, my body itself has known.  has rebelled.  and i need to listen and remember how to take care of it.
the stress level is high.  feel like i should get one of those fire danger signs.  except that fire has already broken out.
funny how the headache has reminded me and given me hope.  That i don'tneed or have to live like i have.  that there is something better.  and i can make it until then.  i've made it through many nights.  usually all on my own.
i'm going to be just fine.

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