Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, October 12, 2012

A Grief Beyond Compare

A little girl, Jessica Ridgeway, was found just ten miles from her home, six days after she had been abducted while walking three blocks to meet up with friends to go to school.  Her mom worked nights and last saw her as she sent her off to school.  She was found "dismembered" and they couldn't identify her positively at first.  That is horrific.  I can't imagine the grief.  Or maybe, because I can, it makes me feel this ill.  This....hurt.  I don't understand the mindset of someone who kills.  At all.  Crimes of passion?  I get that...when anger bubbles over.  I mean, not ok, but at least it has an explanation. 
This kind of crime?  There is just no "reason".  It's just evil.  It's the rawest form of cruelty.  To murder someone is horrible...to steal their child, kill her and mutilate her...that's absolutely sick. 
There is no protecting our children from everything.  No matter how hard we try.  It is...sobering.  And if it were to ever happen, I know that I would always feel like I should have.  I know that that is what Jessica's mom has to feel.  That she didn't do enough.  That she should have.....
But you know, it's not on her mom.  It is on the criminal that did this.  Her mom shouldn't have to walk her to school every day in fifth grade.  No child would even want that. 
Yet, no mater what....it's the parents that suffer.  It's the parents who have to hear all of the second guessers saying what they should have done.  And how pitiful that is. 
It's a grief beyond compare.  Losing a child.  Having them murdered when they are innocent of crimes. 
And suddenly, I feel the heart of God as He turned His face away when His Son died on a cross, having been beaten and spit upon, stripped and ridiculed.  Nails in his hands and feet, a spear in his side.  Yes, God, I think I've had this little glimpse of what You felt in your heart.

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