Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The things i'm learning

at the beginning of the month, when i first get paid, i make sure that i have plenty of toilet paper, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, dishwasher detergent, laundry detergent, dog food, cat food, flour, sugar, oil.  weird things, i know, but really hard to do without.  because, by the end of the month, it's too stressful if the money is low and we don't have what we need.  other foods go further than you'd ever believe.  i made three full meals out of one chicken.  it was delicious.  we had soup, curry and chicken and noodles. 
i've always been able to shop frugally for food.  i don't always.  we splurge on juice and strawberries...or other berries for my daughter and i.  we also like to have a delivery of chinese once a month. 
i am learning to cut myself some slack.  i really try hard to plan and do the cooking.  but, if things are going to be tight, i pick up a five dollar pizza and don't beat myself up about it.
i'm also learning that we don't do that much around the house in the evenings.  and that's ok. 
i'm into going to bed early.  it helps me.  and i don't have to apologize.  the kids don't mind.  they are worn out too.  we eat dinner together.  we ride to school together.  we hang out in the kitchen together.  but, i don't stress about making sure we all hang out all evening together.  i did at first.  but we are all tired.  and we all need some space too.  we are not behind closed doors.  we go from room to room and interact that way.  but, we don't all hang out in one room.  i need my quiet space.  and i'm allowing myself to have it.
and i am learning that getting a lot of sleep and sometimes not getting everything done is ok for now.
i am learning that i am worth giving grace to.
and....tonight again, i had to learn to breathe again.  two weeks in a row, he has come to my door to knock for the kids.  i don't like it but i also don't feel like beginning an argument about it.  and so i don't have to.  and i don't have to like it either.  i can just let it be.  and not answer the door.
life is settling into a routine and a comfort.  for the first time in many years.  freedom.  to be the person i am.  seems like that shouldn't be too much to ask, but it had been.
i'm learning.  growing.  becoming peaceful.  i am happy.
grace to you.

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