Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Greater Still

Sometimes, I see how great God is.  But every time I think that I get it, I find that He is greater still.  Today I am at home resting.  Not sleeping.  I need some pain reliever, but don't feel like running to the store.  But, I was supposed to be at school working.  I went in. 
It all happened like this:  all new teachers were reminded by our supervisor to be certain that we had checked our subfinder to be sure that it was working.  Apparently there have been a few glitches.  Seeing as how I was feeling pretty lousy last night, I took it to heart and checked it out before I went to bed....just in case I woke up at 3 am more sick, I didn't want to find that it wasn't up and running.  I did so, even listened to the tutorial.  Then, I went to sleep feeling assured that I would know what to do if I ever needed it.  I got up this morning and went to school.  Shortly after, a sub showed up for me.  A sub that works in the building frequently.  A GOOD sub.  One that is usually booked.  And she hadn't even been requested.  She said that she was surprised to see a job opening at my school.  She snatched it up though it didn't have a name attached.  And, there she was.  And me without sub plans. ;)  No fear, she's a pro.  She was ready to go and had no qualms.  Today was an easy day.  A very easy day.  But, I was so thankful to see her.  I did some "must dos" before I left, and then I was off.  The fever was making my brain feel foggy and my eyes were hurting.  I went home.  Remembered that my son had forgotten his lunch...ran it out to him.  I know that will make a good day for him as well.  Came home and put curry on to cook for dinner.  Threw in a load of laundry.  Went to bed.  Hopefully I'll sleep soon.  Need it.  Though I went to bed early, I am still beat. 
It's like God knew all the way around that I needed this day.  And knowing that I wouldn't do it for myself, He did it.  I am constantly in awe of how He has EVERYTHING handled for me.  I could have sent her home.  I could have been stubborn.  But, I am learning to see His hand and to accept His kindness and meeting of my needs with grace.  He is so very good.  And every time I think how great He is, He shows me how He is even greater still.

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