Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


There is a guy at work that was in my parenting class last year.  So, we are both at about the same place as far as....time out of marriage.  But, he is dating.  He dated someone at work.  I am nowhere near ready nor interested.  I am interested in building relationships.  In learning who I need to be.  In being a mom.  I'm not cynical nor hopeless.  I am happy.  I am ok with being as I am for now.  Content with what is and not looking for a mr. future guy.  Really.  I like my friends.  I enjoy my work.  I'm too weary from work to even contemplate that I would want to do something like....date.  I never really enjoyed it that much.  I did it as a young person.  It felt like a right of passage...something that was done.  But it's just so fake.  And then...as happened with this guy....there comes that moment when someone either wants to get more serious or wants to move on.  For him, she wants to move on to another person.  And that makes him hurt.  I just don't want to be there.  Not the hurting, but the trying to please a near stranger.  I just want to enjoy people that come into my life without the stress of dating. 
ALTHOUGH, I have to say that there is no guilt in admiring a good looking man.  It's weird that I have been married so long that it rarely occurs to me that it's ok to even look.  Or.....more strangely.....that someone might be interested and what I would do if that happened.  Used to that ring! 
Dating is way out there for me.  Maybe forever.  I don't know.  I'm not worried about it.  I just want to love on people.  Give encouragement.  Be....a good friend....a good relationship keeper.  I want to be true to who I am and giving to those who come.  But dating?  Makes me shudder to think of it!  And....my kids would FREAK.

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