Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Money Money Money By The Pound

If he could possibly think about me, worry about me, cherish me, a bit as much as he does money, it'd all be good.  I swear.....I think I'll take out a home equity loan.  Pay off all outstanding debt.  Buy a small car.  Put money down for his deposit and first months rent.  He's such a weenie.  Can't move out there's not enough money.  Have I been using the checking acct?  Yea...to buy the groceries this week since I was given NO cash to do so.....duh.  I didn't say that.  I just waited for it to be over.  He settled into a chair.  Got out his paper and pencil.  Wondered how much I could put in the joint account tomorrow...sadly, I had planned on it anyway because I knew our house taxes were due.  I get it.  And he wants to pay off all of the credit card tomorrow.  I'm just so fried.  I got up and let the dog out.  Went to the bathroom.  He was still there.....pushing and persisting.  I agreed to use the money for grocery money (that I have) but by the time I came back I was supposed to put it in the bank.....mercy.
Seriously.  NOTHING in the world beats out money in his mind....except for himself.
You'd think that at this point he would man up and say, "I'm going to do whatever it takes to make it possible for you to have what you need."  Right?  No way.  He simply has to build the road blocks.  Be a nay sayer.  Tell how it's impossible.  Ha.  Guess he'd flip out if I sold the house.  Totally.
And I don't want to move my kids at the moment.  We hadn't been planning on it, so I don't want to lay that on them too....but, a loan might do the trick.  And it would be totally worth it.
I just about broke down.  Just about shook out of my skin.  But........I didn't.  I am still standing.  I still have options.  I am NOT stuck.  I am NOT going to live as a victim.

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