Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Girls Day

This looks exactly like us.
This morning, I get to spend time with two of my friends....first a "Second Saturdays" event at our church and then on to some food.  Of course food.  I enjoy food.  And talking is always more fun when there is someone there to replenish your beverages.
I saw this picture and thought of us.  Ok, so, truthfully, on the outside, we might look nothing at all like these women.  We're um, shall I say....a tad older.  And maybe just a little bit rounder.  And really, I'll probably be wearing my blending in colors.  They will probably look stylin' though.  But though you might not see the resemblance, I do.  Because this is what women FEEL like when they go out together.  See how they are talking?  Shopping.  Gesturing?  Engaged?
A girl's day is fun at any age.  It just takes the pain and sorrow and hurt and trouble and anger and divides it out amongst the friends.  And, quite oppositely, multiplies the fun and joy and laughter and good times and happy memories.  It's this miracle that I've never really understood.  How when girlfriends get together they can hash out so much and the load seems lighter even when nothing changes.  And that the happy things seem so much more validated and huge.
So, though I am having to self talk to get my booty to walk in the church without drooping my head or worrying, I am STILL excited.  I have come a long way.  And those who don't want to understand...well, they don't have to.  My friends are here.  And they aren't going anywhere.  They know I'm not either.  I have been through a lot with my friends.  Babies.  Illnesses.  Stupid doctors.  Worries.  Discipline troubles.  No NOT us...our kids....ok, maybe both.  School worries.  Friend worries.  Marriage woes.  I've seen some friends go through infidelity.  Divorce.  Separation.  I've sat at a table with some at an "Intimate Issues" book study.  These are women that I LOVE.  And who love me back.  Without question.  Well, at least on a good day.  These kinda' bad days, I sometimes fear that they will treat me as my husband.  That I will come to the place that I realize that I've been foolish.  Fooling myself.  That they really don't care at all.  And then I see them.  Talk to them.  And know...THAT'S A LOAD A CRAP!  They are the real deal.  And...amazingly, they stay.  I stay.  None of us going anywhere.  That makes life so beautiful.  So...off to GIRL'S DAY!!
Ok, this might be a little more accurate.

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