Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lost and Found

My mind got a little lost today.  My in-laws have been hinting at coming to visit this spring.  And that has been hard enough, but I kind of feel like that isn't my job.  But today, my one aunt inboxed me that she and my other aunt......from across the world...will be coming through my town on the way to the airport at the end of the summer.  And I knew that I had to tell her.  So, I wrote back.  She was online.  I wrote within a minute.  She didn't write back at all.
And now, a couple of hours later....still hasn't.  And I figure that she is "talking" with my other aunt to see how they should respond or something.  It's crazy.  I know that they thought that I married up....that he was too good for someone like me.  Because they asked, "how did you find someone like him?"  Emphasis on you.  So, I hadn't wanted to say.  At all.  I just chat about the kids when I write anything at all.
But this caused me to lose my mind a little.  Sit in my house and feel....overwhelmed.  I decided.  I got off my butt and went out for a bit.  Went to the grocery.  Bought myself some licorice.  And some caffeine.  And I called a friend when I got home.  And asked if I could pick up her son for a youth group event tonight.  She declined.  And was getting ready to go clean up dog poop....so, short conversation.  But, at least I did something.
I found a bit of sanity.  I threw a ball for the dog.  I stood in the sun.  I want to set up my yard pretty but my husband always takes away my furniture from the yard and piles it by the house.....so, I'm not there yet.  And I want to make my room mine.  But, it's not yet.  And I want to paint this table will turned legs.....that I found by the road a couple of years ago.  And I want to change the look of my living room.  BUT.  It's not time yet. So, I have to wait.  I have to be patient.
But still...I can find my mind in little things.  I can find things to focus on.  Like...what I want to be when I grow up.  :)
blessings.  grace.

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