Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, October 24, 2011

All Hell Breaks Loose

Sometimes, all hell breaks loose,  And, it just doesn't let up.  On every front, the jabs come.  The swords.  The guns.  Big guns.  The accusations.  The meanness.  The hatred.  The guilting.  The shame.  Everything.  In one, not so neat, package.  It's messy.  It's painful.  It's humbling.  It's terrifying.  It's depressing.  It challenges every bit of faith we possess.  Feel stomped under a great big boot.  Forced to submit to circumstances.
Because that is what the forces of hell want.  It's not about what is truly real.  It is about what we perceive.  What we believe.  What we fear.  What we might lose.  How we might be hurt.
In that moment, when the dust in flying, the bad feelings take over and the clouds pour rain and the dirt flies, causing our vision to be distorted....in that moment....that very moment when we feel blind, depressed, hopeless and full of despair....then is the best moment of life.  Because all hell breaks loose only when heaven is at work.  Though everything in us quakes.  We have to close our eyes.  Walk to the edge of the cliff.  And jump.  Because really, it's not a cliff at all....it's just the path being obscured by a mirage of our life long enemy.  And, when we jump, he can't follow us. Because the faith required, because the Spirit filling us....denies him access.
He has no chance of winning.  None.  Not the battle.  Not the war.  Because we are owned and cared for by the King of Kings.  The Author Extraordinaire is writing our stories.  And He never messes up or has to edit.  Even when we are faithless.  Even when we try to run.  Even when all we can think is "please, STOP!!"  He hears us.  He weeps with us.  He holds us.  He doesn't condemn us.  He doesn't ask us to figure out tomorrow.  He says to come in under His care and take a rest.  In the midst of the battle.  In the very heat of the moment.  Covered.  Loved.  Understood.
grace to you.

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