Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


In all of life, there is no greater drive than passion.  Not fear.  Not money.  Not success.  Not power.  Passion.  The driving force that allows me to move forward on a seemingly impossible quest.  To believe through the pain and troubles.  It is the gift that God gives.  With the gifts He bestows.  Not only are the gifts instilled, but they are imbued with passion to cause the recipient to have an unquenchable desire to USE their gifts.  How do I know?  Because I write.  Because I have passion to write.  Not because I am professional nor trained.  Because I was gifted to share in this way.  To draw people into a life story or situation and help them work it through in their minds as I work it through in mine.  It never really feels like it's for someone else...but, I am learning to believe it anyway.
I have been writing my story.  For real.  My marriage.  My pain.  My joy.  Oh my goodness.  It's hard.  And, it simply flows.  Chapter after chapter.  Except for when my husband is expected.  Then, I shut down.  My mind closes.  My fingers shake. 
I am not at all certain that I can write anything worthy of publishing.  I have no "craft"as I recently read.  No literary training.  No high organizational plan.  I have a direction.  A map.  A journey to walk people along.  But, it's impossible to see if it works.  If I give it to someone to read they will be encouraging whether it's good or not.  And I've heard from my husband how I don't have what it takes.  I understand what he's saying.  Really, I am nobody spectacular.  That is the reason I think that my book would be well read....because I am just like so many other christian women.  Who have tried.  And tried.  And tried.  Who believe and love. 
But whether my book gets published or shelved, I will write it.  Of course, if it's not published it's not really a book, now is it?  Doesn't matter.  This God given passion drives me forward.  And whatever His purpose, I know that it's for good.  Whether it is simply for my healing and clarity or to help others, it doesn't really matter.  The whole point is the journey.  The learning.  The faith to take another step when the way is unclear and the destination not a specific place but taking a specific way.  I choose His way.  He is healing me.  Though my husband would disagree.  He would say that I'm becoming heartless.  Not true at all.  More heart than ever.  And more courage.  This time I'm simply using it for myself as well as others.  And he doesn't like that.
grace to you.

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