Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Resting Factor

I don't use sleep aids anymore.  Well, I'm not saying that I never would, just that I haven't done so in the last few months.  But, this last week, I was TIRED.  I mean, I just wasn't sleeping w  body was on constant alert.  Not worry.  Just like there was not off button.  I couldn't relax.  I couldn't rest.  I did for me to constantly be wondering if he's coming home,  Constantly be in the middle of things when I'm sleeping in the living room.  Of not having a place to go.  Of him always being able to see me.  Always being able to show up.  Anytime.  I think that it's because he has come in after I have fallen asleep lately and startled me.  It makes me feel really vulnerable.  And then, when I was at a friend's doing some work in the garage, he kept being right there with me.  Again, quietly and as a surprise.  So, this week, I just couldn't shut down and rest.  Until last night.  Went to a friend's last night and fell asleep in her chair watching tv.  And I was actually sleepy and relaxed when I woke up.  And, thankfully, it carried over to my night.  I made my pallet...I sleep better on it than the couch usually, but it gets a little tiring making it and folding it all up and putting it away...I laid down, and I SLEPT.   The kind of sleep that you wake up feeling relaxed.  Not hyper vigilant.  Practicing relaxing.  No matter my circumstances or where I lie my head, nobody gets to steal my peace and rest.  It's a gift.  I don't have to "pay for it."  The world looks like a much better place when I feel rested.  Thanks be to God!
grace to you.

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