Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Shield of Faith

Every morning, I put on a dog tag that says "faith."  I need it.  It is like the "shield of faith" spoken of in the Bible.  A constant reminder that faith keeps me from being hit by the arrows of despair.  Doesn't mean that there aren't enemies that take their shots.  It means that by walking in faith I can find something better.  Something higher.  Something fulfilling.  Because my heart is shielded from the bad things of life making it bitter or spoiled. 
Fairly recently, I had to decide to walk in faith again.  Even if it didn't look like what others expected.  Even if I couldn't explain myself.  Even if the whole world looks and says that I'm wrong.  Because my faith isn't in them.  Nor my hope.  Nor my peace. 
I spent all of those years trying to fix and make right that which was faulty.  I used my "faith" to rationalize someone else's behavior.  I used it to make myself keep going in a manner that was "acceptable".  What it got me?  Pain.  Misery.  Battling.  Unhappiness.  Depression. 
No, my shield of faith is to guard my heart.  To keep it safe so that I can become what God has for me. 
So, each morning, I put it on.  And I remember.  And I celebrate.  I've got armor!!  I'm protected.  I'm not walking around naked or alone.  Funny, those many years of marriage made me feel unprotected, uncared for and like I'd never be able to live up to the standard.  Turns out, I AM protected, I am beloved and I've already met the Standard....His name is Jesus. 
grace to you.

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