Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!

Pick me!  The old refrain from childhood.  I have been spending a lot of time in preschool lately and I've noticed that it has not changed.  But, seeing it with the eyes of an adult, I also realized something else....not all kids do it.  It takes a certain amount of confidence to draw attention to themselves.  Some kids sit quietly.  Some kind of fold up trying to be invisible.  But some of them bounce around like beach balls trying to convince the child choosing to pick them.  Not surprisingly, their exuberance and persistence almost always pays off.  Not that it's right.  Not that they were following the rules.  Not that they are the best choice...nope.  Just that they asked, begged, and convinced. 
Life kind of stays that way.  The people who say, "here I am, pick me," tend to get picked.  To be noticed.  Others, who are often just as desirous of the attention, don't get picked because they aren't actively campaigning for it. 
Sometimes I feel like the little kid sitting there waiting.  Trying to follow the rules.  Trying to be patient.  Trying to be fair.  But, all around me are people who are yelling, "pick me".  Regarding jobs.  Relationships.  Opportunities.  And sometimes I think that I should change.  So, for awhile, I will.  However, I don't find it satisfying to have to actively sell myself in relationships.  I kind of think that they will either like me or not.  Spend time or not.  Choose me or not.  It's hardest with people I know.  Easier with acquaintances.  But, like the children, though it hurts, I will probably remain true to who I am.  To how I am.  And those who pick me will brighten my day.  Because I'll know that I was actually picked.....and not that I was simply so annoying that they gave in.  Being picked is really good.....at any age.
grace to you.

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