Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, October 14, 2011

In My Weakness

Over and over it surprises me how in my weakness I am made strong.  God's promise, but it simply doesn't feel like it makes sense in my mind.  Yet, it is so very true.  If I am never weak, I never see how strong I can be...how strong I am.  Strength is built into times of weakness....it is what gets me up again, gives me a smile, convinces me to try again, helps me to suit up and go back into the battle.  But instead of celebrating the strength that I have exhibited...that has been given....I become ashamed that I have the weak times.  Ashamed of the fears.  Of the anger.  Of the bad decisions.  Of what people have done to me.  I take responsibility for things that are not mine to have to own.  I allow the weakness to overpower me in the most dangerous place....my mind. 
However, I am learning to change that.  To say what is good and right.  I saw a quote today:

it reminded me of what I hold against myself.  His words that I am unforgiving because I can't forget.  I don't trust him with my heart anymore.  And I thought that was a horrible character weakness....but, I think that it's a strength.  I do forgive.  I do understand that he is also walking a journey.  I also know that I can't keep living like this. Because I truly don't trust him anymore.  Though I wish him well.
In my weakness.....I grow strong.  In mind.  In body.  And yes....in spirit.  If I don't beat myself up.  If I allow myself to simply do the growing.
grace to you.
the photo was from "positive outlooks"

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